The true essence of man only becomes visible in the biography.

Willem Zeylmans van Emmichoven

Basic Practice Biographical Coaching Module 1

Make biography your profession, open a window of light and plant a seed of love.


BPBC   Basic Practice Biographical Coaching

An online training of 6 modules (in 2.5 years) for the study and practice of Biography and the Art of Conversation, in order to professionally accompany others in their quest for biographical self-awareness.



  • Essential elements of the Art and Science of Biography
  • Instruments for coaching with an Essential Biographical Inquiry (EBI)
  • Attitude and Skills of a Biography Practitioner
  • A path of self-development and spiritual growth based on Antroposophy



6 MODULES in 2,5 years  


The first 5 Modules will be ONLINE. The 6th Module is planned as a real-time event.

Each MODULE consists of ONLINE Classes and practice sessions

Every Module has a focus on one element of the Body of Knowledge of Biography, which is also an instrument for an Essential Biographical Inquiry (EBI).



You will be taught the competences of biographical coaching and invited to practice these.

  • Each Module consists of 7 online classes, (3 hours) in a bi-weekly rhythm.
  • Each class has teachings, model talks, reviews, and assignments.
  • The alternating weeks are reserved for practice sessions with 2 tutors (3 hours) to do Artwork, EBI conversations, review, and project work.

The Modules have 2 months intervals.



INDIVIDUAL STUDY TIME – in addition to the online classes and practice sessions the time for individual study is ± 2-4 hours a week. For certification, 80% attendance is required.


TEACHERS Vera G. Klein, Josien de Vries, Paula Boon,         

TUTORS      Astrid Breg, Sanna Dia



CERTIFICATION- The BPBC leads to a certification Biographical Practioner issued by the Dutch Instituut voor Biografiek.


Module I         October - December 2024
Module II        February – May  2025
Module III       September – December 2025
Module IV       February – May 2026
Module V        September – December 2026
Module  VI      February – May 2027


DAY             October 2024

TIME            2 - 5 pm CET


PRICE  € 3600,-  for the full training (instalments are possible)
We do have is a ‘peanut gallery’ policy for those who is the price to high. There are
some cheaper tickets available. Please write to us: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

The price for the BPBC Online covers all teaching- and mentoring costs and readers and handouts. Part of the fee will go to a place for a student who is of lesser means. N.B. Extra costs for the Finals like travel expenses, bed and board on the place of venue are not.


For application please send an email to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.  You will be invited for a personal interview preliminary to enrolment.


Six modules - overview


Module 1            Biographical blueprint, research in four fields                                      

The human being can be seen as consisting of four bodies; a physical body, a subtle-body, a light-body and the ‘I’, the core, the individuality that directs the development. It is a way to deeper understand the human being from a spiritual perspective.

One can explore the four-fold human being in a biographical way with the tool of the Four Fields EBI, leading to a biographical blueprint:

  • Your basis
  • Your nature
  • Your character
  • Your individuality

You will explore your own blueprint and learn how to accompany others.

As a coach you learn to apply the EBI Four-Fields in one-to-one sessions. After this Module you will be able to practice biographical conversations with voluntary clients.


Module 2                 Life-phases                                                               

This module explores the 7-years life phases. We will look at how life unfolds through these phases, and the possibilities and challenges each phase brings for development. We will work with the U-chart, the well-known archetype of biographical development. Other archetypes for biographical development will also be introduced. You will study the phases in depth, explore them for yourself and learn to use these the practice of biographical coaching.

As a coach this module deepens your conversation skills. In the EBI about the 7-years life phases a person can explore life experiences and find new meanings.


Module 3                 Karmic Companions                                                                    

People come into our lives for a reason. They are important for our development by working and living together. They help us bring our talents into the world, to give and to receive. We need our fellow human beings; parents to be born, family to grow up, friends, colleagues to work with, partner to start a new family.... We take a karmic view on the special challenges, qualities and possibilities of all the different relationships in our biography. You will explore your personal ‘network’ and learn to work with creative exercises that can help to maintain, stabilise and harmonise the connection with yourself and your loved ones. ones.

As a coach you will deepen your skilful listening, questioning and holding the space for your client and practice the Pearl-talk. This (part of a) conversation is the core competence of the biographical coach.


Module 4                  Timelines                                                               

A timeline is a tried-and-tested way of charting the past, but future plans are also plotted in a timeline. It brings overview. You can distinguish five thematic timelines, each with its own colour and quality. You can trace and examine each line in your life:


Red line - Inspiration and intuition

Orange line - Professional life, to learn and work

Yellow line - Social Life, to meet and grow

Green line - Private life, to love and change

Blue line -  Fate and fortune, to live and die


When you have all the lines in view, you start to see moments when things coincide. See how events resonate and weave together. How those moments serve the development of the great themes of life: freedom, creation, wisdom, love and peace.
You can recognise how these manifest in your life, what is still future and what you want to start paying attention to.  As a coach you learn to walk your talk. You can walk a client along a Timeline, find the important life-moments and apply all the competences and skill learned till now.


Module 5                 Triptychon                                                                        

A Triptychon is a series of three (very simple) pictures of some events of your life. Triptychon-work allows you to see what is truly happening in the situations, what’s happening in the in-betweens, and what’s happing “behind the curtains”. You shed a light on your life in a new way, which helps you to find intentions for the future. The Triptychon calls on imagination, inspiration and intuition.

As a coach working with a Tryptichon requires all the competences of Biographical Coaching and a thorough understanding of the Four Fields. It offers you a deepening tool to use in an EBI or a standalone coaching session.


Module 6 General Studies and Finals                                                

The General Studies offer additional and deepening subjects like Salutogenesis, Evolution of Humanity, Limitations of Biographywork and some extra tools like the Golden Triangle. Collegial intervision and peer consultation will be practiced.


The Finals will encompass an individual presentation in which graduates present their vision on where and how they want to practice Biography work. Students organize themselves and prepare for future steps on the path of ongoing schooling.


Advanced Program and Senior Practitioners

After graduation, you can work as a Basic Biography Practitioner. Currently Practitioners work in China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Hungary.

Every Practitioner is encouraged to keep track of the personal Advanced Program in a portfolio. Eventually, he/she can present him/ herself to a group of peers, as Senior Practitioner.


The Advanced Program is a lose curriculum, individually shaped to personal needs and requirements. A variety of teachers, courses, and studies can be taken, and personal track of the Advanced Program is kept in the Portfolio.




5 Oct 2024


12:00 - 15:00 uur


Vera G. Klein, Josien de Vries



€600,00 33

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